Europrivacy Benefits and Advantages

Benefits and Added Value
- Identify and reduce legal and financial risks
through a systematic gap analysis (Art. 24, 42, 83 GDPR). - Assess, validate and demonstrate compliance
through impartial third-party assessment. - Build Trust and Confidence
for your Data Subjects, B2B Partners, and Stakeholders. - Develop competitive advantages.
- Improve reputation and market access.
- Value your compliance by turning data protection into an asset and a source of revenues.
- Support cross-border and processor data transfers (Art. 28, 46 GDPR).
- Reduce risks and control costs with data processors, by requesting their certification (Art. 28 GDPR).
- Extend compliance assessment to non-EU jurisdictions.
- Join a business ecosystem committed to data protection.
- Access online resources and tools for data protection and compliance.
- Receive updates on compliance requirements.
- Increase market valuation, by reducing risks and uncertainty for investors.
Distinct Characteristics
- Approved by the EDPB as the official European Data Protection Seal.
- Applicable to both data controllers and processors.
- Continuously updated to take into account regulatory changes, jurisprudence, and EDPB publications.
- Extendable to national and domain specific obligations, as well as to non-EU regulations: see for more details Regulatory Extensions and Other Schemes
- Applicable to emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, and smart cities.
- Highly reliable with comprehensive assessments based on factual criteria and highest CSAM score.
- Time and cost efficient thanks to its innovative methodology.
- ISO compliant andeasily combinable with ISO/IEC 27001 and 27701.
- Comprehensive and applicable to most data processing.
- Independent and managed by an International Board of Experts.
- Online resources, tools, and support.
- Global network of experts and partners to freely choose service provider.
- Research and innovation empowered through a close connection with legal and ICT research.